Monday, February 18, 2008

For Haik....


Well Haik implied that my blog id not well, read..  And I would have an issue with that. But he may actually have a point. 

So to be scientific, lets have a show of hands. If in the next 2 weeks, this blog gets naught of 15 replies. i will discontinue the blog, in lieu of Haiks comments.

I will of course continue my LJ.. which oddly enough is used much more than Blogspot... which sounds vaguely made up to me.

Reply Away

Monday, February 11, 2008

Obligatory Political post


Here it is. Prediction time.

Huckabee will surge, but McCain will be the ultimate candidate. he will pick Fred Thompson for VP to solidify Conservative cred.

Obama pulls a slam dunk. chooses Edward's. nothing smells change like a black male prez with a white male VP

Its gonna be a long hot political summer folks. Strap in and enjoy the fucking ride.